Wollenberg, Sturbaum, & Hoequist / West of Roan

Jun 08, 2024 (Sat) / 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Buy Tickets here: https://knct.club/4akoBHM
Venue: Phinney Center Concert Hall, Brick Building, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle

A shared evening with two bands!

Leah Wollenberg, Ida Hoequist, and Alex Sturbaum met at Oberlin College ten years ago, and the trio display a musical fluency and verve borne of long friendship coupled with disparate influences. Anchored by Bay Area native Leah Wollenberg’s driving and dancing fiddle, Virginia flutist Ida Hoequist’s smooth-as-glass woodwinds, and the northwest’s own Alex Sturbaum’s powerhouse rhythm guitar, the sound of these three musicians draws inspiration from a wide array of sources; both traditional and contemporary Celtic music, as well as the folk music of England, Sweden, and Newfoundland. With tender waltzes, mighty jigs and reels, and the odd full-throated labor song, Wollenberg, Hoequist, and Sturbaum have created a sound that is both rooted in tradition and firmly of the moment. Don’t miss a chance to hear the three of them together for a concert set!
Listen to their music here: https://leahalexida.bandcamp.com/album/chance

West of Roan
was born in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where friends Annie Schermer and Channing Showalter moved together to an off-grid cabin to dream and create stories, songs and puppet shows. They returned to their native Pacific Northwest in 2017, where they released their self-titled debut album. Their experience of life, music, place, and lineage in both regions informs their searching and soulful music.

Unaccompanied ballads, shape note hymns, Georgian traditional music, Irish, Scottish, and American fiddle tunes all feed the well from which West of Roan draws inspiration for their sound. Their carefully crafted, intuitive harmonies move from sweet to dissonant, following emotional arcs beneath the surface.

“The songs and stories here come from time spent in collective imagination, and from journeys to our inner worlds and under worlds. We seek to simultaneously discover and create a place of story, song, archetype and image: in this landscape we explore how our own yearnings, wounds and creations relate to and resonate with other people, and with larger social and cultural movements and patterns.”

Annie and Channing performed on our stage a part of the group Doran in the fall of 2022, and we are thrilled to have them back as a duo with their beautiful and mezmerizing harmonies! They may even bring a crankie to share.

Listen to the music of West of Roan here: https://westofroan.bandcamp.com/track/trim-the-wick-friday-tune 

