The Seattle Folklore Society is non-profit corporation chartered in the state of Washington. We are registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. This means that donations to the SFS are tax deductible to those who itemize deductions. (Note: this does not include dues and other payments for which the donor receives a direct benefit). Many corporations will match all or part of donations to charities. The SFS can also be designated as a named beneficiary of one’s United Way contribution at work.
The Society is headed by a Board of Directors elected from the membership. Board members are elected to one or two year terms, usually at our annual meeting in February.
Current Board of Directors:
John Ullman, President
Fred Maslan, Vice President
Amy Carroll, Treasurer
Bruce Baker, Secretary
Valerie Cohen
Dennis Galvin
Ralph Kosche
Robert Orr
Marni Rachmiel
Karen Shaw
Carol Zander
updated: 2020-Feb-25