SFS Flyer Electronic Delivery

Starting with the November 2018 issue, members electing to receive the monthly newsletter, the SFS Flyer, as a PDF will receive an e-mail with a link to download their edition instead of an attachment.  This will allow a faster delivery for members and make it easier for our hardworking membership data coordinator. (Please consider opting in for the .pdf version to save SFS mailing and printing costs, and possibly receive your Flyer a few days earlier as a bonus! Once downloaded, you have the option of reading on your computer or printing the Flyer at home) If you have questions about your membership status, renewal, the format in wihich you receive the Flyer, or any other member questions, feel free to e-mail us at members@seafoklore.org

We had a database transition issue that left a number of members out of both the mailed and e-mailed Flyer lists for October. It’s being addressed and you can expect your November Flyer to arrive as usual.
Thanks for your understanding and, as always, your support of SFS!

-the Membership Committee